Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy 16th birthday, love! ♥

Yasmin Halim!
Happy 16th, bestfie! I know it's only just been a short period of time but we've been through more than enough already. You're the one who has seen my flaws and the one who still stands by me after what we've been through. You laugh at all my super duper lame jokes and you've seen and heard it all; the good, the bad.
Love you long time, woman!
Don't ever forget me if I'm ever going to be 64264024041050521060 miles away from you!
Did you guys know that she has this thing for gladiators *hint hint* (:
Many friends come and go but I got a feeling she's staying alright. She doesn't mind sacrificing her sleep to talk on the phone with me till late even though she has to hear all those crap I have to say just because someone made me upset. It's just comforting to know exactly who to find and know that I can trust her when I feel so low.
Fact; We hold each others hands tightly when we're scared.
I love youuu truckloads, bestfie! (: So, claim your birthday present from me! :D

Now, tell me what would I do without my best friend?

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